In individual Astrology, we always start by studying the Birth Chart.
What is the use of studying your Birth Chart and what will it bring you?
You may have heard a bit about Astrology but don't know much.
Or you may be well experienced.
If you know just a little you may mistake Astrology to newspapers' horoscope:
Newspapers' horoscope has nothing to do with Astrology. You cannot do any real previsions or anything serious for that matter with just the Solar Sign of a person.
You may have heard cliches like Aries are born fighters or Cancers like to stay at home. It might be partially true to a certain extent but a person is not just his/her Sun Sign.
She/he has a full Birth Chart with all the Planets disposed in her/his different Signs and Houses. All aspects of the Birth Chart are important.
In newspapers' horoscope, based only on the Sun Sign, no prevision can really be relevant to anybody.
So how can doing your Birth Chart help you?
You may say, you already know yourself so what's the use?
First do you really know yourself?
The Ancient Greek aphorism 'Know Thyself' reminds the importance, which is present in every spiritual tradition, of knowing yourself, your qualities and drawbacks, to understand your life better and live it more fully.
With your Birth Chart, you can learn many things about your life, like actual events but also, you may learn a lot about your personality. You may understand better why you react in a certain way in certain situations. You may also understand more about your subconscious.
Maybe you have some particular issues that you don't understand and studying your Birth Chart might help you.
Maybe you want to change your career and find out what would be the best options for you?
Or for teenagers, it may be a help to find the best career path.
For parents with a new baby or with a child, studying the Birth Chart of the child can help understand her/him better and find out what could possibly make her/him more comfortable, more anxious, etc.
With the use of Active Astrology, which we practice at Jupiter in Sagittarius, you can also learn about a technique called 'exorcizing of symbols' which is specific to Active Astrology and which helps you direct the energies in a good direction. So when you find out some drawbacks in your Chart, through symbols, we are able to improve the negative aspects by making them easier, or even more positive.
To know more about your Birth Chart, you can contact us here.
What is the use of studying your Birth Chart and what will it bring you?
You may have heard a bit about Astrology but don't know much.
Or you may be well experienced.
If you know just a little you may mistake Astrology to newspapers' horoscope:
Newspapers' horoscope has nothing to do with Astrology. You cannot do any real previsions or anything serious for that matter with just the Solar Sign of a person.
You may have heard cliches like Aries are born fighters or Cancers like to stay at home. It might be partially true to a certain extent but a person is not just his/her Sun Sign.
She/he has a full Birth Chart with all the Planets disposed in her/his different Signs and Houses. All aspects of the Birth Chart are important.
In newspapers' horoscope, based only on the Sun Sign, no prevision can really be relevant to anybody.
So how can doing your Birth Chart help you?
You may say, you already know yourself so what's the use?
First do you really know yourself?
The Ancient Greek aphorism 'Know Thyself' reminds the importance, which is present in every spiritual tradition, of knowing yourself, your qualities and drawbacks, to understand your life better and live it more fully.
With your Birth Chart, you can learn many things about your life, like actual events but also, you may learn a lot about your personality. You may understand better why you react in a certain way in certain situations. You may also understand more about your subconscious.
Maybe you have some particular issues that you don't understand and studying your Birth Chart might help you.
Maybe you want to change your career and find out what would be the best options for you?
Or for teenagers, it may be a help to find the best career path.
For parents with a new baby or with a child, studying the Birth Chart of the child can help understand her/him better and find out what could possibly make her/him more comfortable, more anxious, etc.
With the use of Active Astrology, which we practice at Jupiter in Sagittarius, you can also learn about a technique called 'exorcizing of symbols' which is specific to Active Astrology and which helps you direct the energies in a good direction. So when you find out some drawbacks in your Chart, through symbols, we are able to improve the negative aspects by making them easier, or even more positive.
To know more about your Birth Chart, you can contact us here.