What is Astrology?
It is a discipline very misunderstood. It is often mocked or reduced to a few cliches. It is also very intriguing to many people who may try one consultation just to 'see if it works'.
But what is really Astrology? There are different types of Astrology, depending on countries and cultures: Western, Vedic, Tibetan... We will talk mostly about Western Astrology for the purpose of this article.
Let's see what a Birth Chart is: it is the map of the sky at the exact time and place you were born.
What can you learn from it? Basically it is like your DNA. It tells who you are. In your Birth Chart, you may see your qualities, your drawbacks, your likes and dislikes, the events that may unfold in your life.
Why horoscopes are so wrong?
Horoscopes are made using a few cliches that can virtually apply to anybody. You cannot get any real information through horoscope and it has been very detrimental to the image of Astrology.
On the contrary, Astrology is very powerful. When you study a Birth Chart, of course the Sun Sign is important (the Sign where the Sun was situated at the time of your birth), but it is just a small part in an entire and complex system. Each planetary position is important to study and to see as a whole.
Why can it be important to have an Astrologer study your Birth Chart?
First, you may learn a lot about yourself. You may also undertand better your reactions, your dynamic, your relationships, what drives you. It can also be very therapeutic in many ways.
If it is for a child or a baby, you may learn what they like or dislike, what their qualities will be, their strengths, and where they could have potential issues, so you can guide them better accordingly.
Be careful though: many so called Astrologers nowadays use softwares that will generate prewritten texts. They do not even look at the chart anymore. That's the same process used when you get a free birth chart ready in 2 seconds through a website. Again that is not good work. A real Astrologer should study for many years to be able to read Charts properly.
So we saw how much you can learn about yourself or your loved ones.
But this is just the beginning of the amazing power of Astrology...
Once you have learned about your Birth Chart, you can use previsions.
The goal of previsions is not to just learn about your fate and wait till it hits you. Astrology is much more powerful than that. You may learn about potential openings and potential difficulties and you may learn to use some tools to make your life better accordingly. It will show you some energies, some negative, some positive, and you can learn to use these energies in a different way.
And when things are really unpleasant you may discuss the possibility of a Relocated Solar Return with your Astrologer, that could really help shift things - we will discuss it in more details in another article.
So it can provide you with solutions.
So with that in mind, everyone should have an Astrologer!
As a rule of thumb, once you have got your Birth Chart, you should see your Astrologer once a year, about 2 months before your birthday: to discuss what happened in the current year and to prepare the year to come. Note that a year is seen from birthday to birthday.
When you know a good Astrologer and trust her/him, then you may discover even more: it may help to study a relationship (husband/wife, mother/daughter, sisters, your relationship with your boss, etc.) through Synastries. It is also an amazing tool to answer any question you may have about your life, mostly through Horary Astrology.
So you may see your Astrologer when you start a new relationship, when you decide to get married, when you plan to buy a house or start a new business, etc.
"New" Astrology
As explained above, now with computers, and a simple software, a lot of new Astrologers just generate texts for a Birth Chart and don't really look at it anymore. The only goal there is mostly to make money and this clearly cannot count as real Astrology.
So be extremely careful when choosing an Astrologer as basically anyone can pretend to be an Astrologer.
How to choose an Astrologer?
I personally believe that a person should study Astrology for 10 years before starting to use it profesionnally, because it is such a powerful tool.
A proper Astrologer should also always check if your official time of birth is correct, and should be able to correct it before doing any study.
Astrology has nothing to do with divination which is a completely different discipline.
Astrology is more of a science although in the West people do not refer to it as a science. In India though, it is still considered a science and taught in University. There, people will regularly consult Astrologers to guide them in their decisions.
Having a good Astrologer can change your life, help you use your skills better, avoid some problems, help reduce or face better the problems or trials you cannot avoid.
That is how Astrology becomes really helpful.
So do not hesitate!
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